Ten-year-old Nicholas Buamah has been a busy kid — and he loves it. He understands there’s work to be done.

For one thing, the young Georgia native has his sights set on building a community library in Ghana, where his nonprofit organization, “Books Without Borders,” already donates books to less fortunate communities.

It was just three yeas ago that Buamah penned the book “Kayla And Kyle The Walking Dictionaries: Election Day Vol 1.” Inspired by one of his teachers to write about the election of President Barack Obama, the book became an international best-seller. He also recently released a single, “On The Clock,” which will be followed by an “On The Clock” Challenge, where Nicholas will award $3,000 to the winner.

He will be publishing more books by year’s end, including a Christmas book, co-written with his mother, Danielle Hubbard. Author, philanthropist, musician and good heart best describe this singular young man.

Zenger News caught up with Buamah to discuss his busy schedule, what drives him to help others and much more.

Percy Crawford interviewed Nicholas Buamah for Zenger News.

Nicholas Buamah is best described as a good hearted author, philanthropist, and musician. (Photo courtesy of Danielle Hubbard)

Zenger: What was your motivation to write your first book, “Kayla And Kyle The Walking Dictionaries: Election Day (Vol. 1)”? 

Percy Crawford interviewed Nicholas Buamah for Zenger News. (Heidi Malone/Zenger)

Buamah: It all started because I was using such a big vocabulary; my teacher was impressed. She messaged my mom, and my mom thought it would be a great idea to write a book.

Zenger: Was it difficult to get it published? 

Buamah: It was in between difficult and simple (laughing), because it was our first time publishing.  But we actually came up with our own publishing company, so we got to publish the book ourselves. And that was great.

Zenger: What made that title the topic for your book? What was the inspiration? 

Buamah: I had come up with a bunch of ideas, but since Barack Obama was becoming President [at the time], I was thinking about doing it on Election Day. So, I made it about elections.

Zenger: How important is it for you to let other kids know age doesn’t determine what level of success you can reach. And it doesn’t prevent you from helping others. 

Buamah: I want other kids to know that no matter what, they can do anything that they put their mind to because we are the future.

Zenger: You have a nonprofit organization “Books Without Borders.” What is it’s purpose?

Buamah: That’s where I donate books to kids in underprivileged communities. Because of COVID, we’ve had to change things up, so I donated some essential supplies like, water, soap, hand sanitizer and other things.

Zenger: Does your spirit to want to help others and display positive energy come from your parents? 

Buamah: Basically, because my parents are always there for me. I really love them and what they have taught me.

Zenger: How did becoming a best-selling author at such a young age change your life? 

Buamah: Life is still kind of normal, but it’s changed my life to where I can travel. I travel a lot more. I’m meeting a lot of new people, and I am just having a lot of fun doing this.

Zenger: What would be the best advice you would give a kid your age struggling to get started on an idea or struggling to reach goals? 

Buamah: Always stay positive, remember that your parents are always there if you need help. Never be afraid of asking for help.

Zenger: What are your thoughts on social media and the impact it has — positive or negative — and your ability to use it in a positive light? 

Buamah: You do have negative people out there. You just have to put yourself and your stuff out there and feel great about it. Don’t let anybody take you down because they are negative people. They don’t want you to do this because they’re jealous of you. So just remember, you can always do it.

Zenger: Do you have any plans to write another book? 

Buamah: Yes! I have a new one that will be coming out any day now. I have two more books that will be coming out this year. One is a Christmas book that I crafted with my mom.

Zenger: How do you balance everything that you have going on? 

Buamah: It’s really just a lot of fun. If you’re doing this like me, you will know that it is a lot of fun. At first, it will be a lot of hard work, but yeah … I really love doing this.

Zenger: It seems like your parents are doing a tremendous job with letting you explore the world, while remaining a kid. Is that accurate?

Buamah: Yes! I play basketball a lot. I love doing that. I play the piano; I play on my Xbox a lot with my friends.

Zenger: You recently put some music out, as well. You have your hands in everything. What can we expect from you on the music side of things? 

Buamah: I used to walk around the house singing, “I’m a boss, a king and a warrior.” So, I thought I should make my own music. I called my Uncle Eddie [Miller] who goes by “‘Million,” and Aunt Micki [Miller], and they put the music behind the “On The Clock,” song. I also did a Youth Empowerment video. That was a lot of fun. I called 40 of my friends, and they all came down.

Zenger: Since you are involved in many difficult things, are you enjoying one thing more than the other? Or is it all still fun for you? 

Buamah: I enjoy everything the same. The music is a lot of fun, the writing is a lot of fun, everything is fun (laughing).

Zenger: You met the president of Ghana, Steve Harvey and Whoopi Goldberg. You have received so many honors. What have those experiences been like? 

Buamah: It’s like, “Wow! I am meeting all of these awesome people,” and I get so excited and so nervous. Once I start talking to them, it just feels like I have known them for a long time.

Nicholas Buamah wrote “Kayla And Kyle The Walking Dictionaries: Election Day Vol 1.” and plans to publish additional books within the year. (Photo courtesy of Soul Photography)

Zenger: Any of your awards stand out? Or do you appreciate all of them? 

Buamah: I like all the awards. One example is the GUBA Award. That’s how I got to meet the president of Ghana. That was so exciting.

Zenger: I wish you the very best with all your endeavors, and I think you are an amazing kid and an inspiration. Is there anything you want to add? 

Buamah: We will be doing a new challenge for my music video. It’s where you can dress up as a boss, a king and a warrior, and the winner gets $3,000. One household can win up to $3,000. There will be two winners, one boy and one girl. More details will be coming out soon. Thank you for wanting to interview me.

Danielle Hubbard (Nicholas’s mom): I just wanted to add, that Nicholas is now a registered BMI artist, so hopefully he will get some awards off the “On the Clock” song. The nice thing behind it, Nicholas funds his own nonprofit. The different projects that he does with his books and all, he puts a portion of the funds back into the nonprofit. The same with the video and the song; he’s looking to build his first community library in Ghana. So, a portion of those funds will actually help do that.

Zenger: You have a super kid. 

Hubbard: I think what it is, he’s my only child, so I’m able to put all the attention and everything into him. When he comes to me and says: “Hey mom, I got this idea.” I’m like: “Hey, lets hear it, lets try it, lets do it.”

Buamah: I say, since I’m the only child, I should have a sibling or a puppy (laughing).

Hubbard: So, on that note (laughing), thank you so much. People can follow Nicholas’s journey on his Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.

(Edited by Matthew B. Hall and Fern Siegel)

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