Featured Religion

Six Miracles of Calvary

Six Miracles of Calvary

To the ordinary person, this time of year is in anticipation of the ending of winter (with its cold and snow; boots and coats), but to God’s children, the ushering in of spring is nature’s parable of resurrection.

Whether you are speaking of the conception or the birth; the baptism; the temptation in the wilderness or public ministry, everything about Jesus Christ is glorious! And then, there is the cross of Calvary, where the Lamb of God paid sins’ price in full! Triumphing victoriously in His burial and resurrection!

The God’s Word, Alive! Bible Teaching Ministry is pleased to announce The Six Miracles of Calvary. Over the course of three consecutive Fridays, six excellent and excited speakers will present one of the six miracles; each one radiating a different glory of the Cross of Christ and His resurrection.

These Six Miracles of Calvary sessions are inspired by a book of the same title, authored by William R. Nicholson. This book made such an impression on me when I first read it, many years ago.

The Presenters and their topics are: MIRACLE #1) The Miraculous Darkness; Sis. Lillie Holmes (Salem Baptist Church, Omaha, NE); MIRACLE #2) The Rending of the Veil; Pastor Demetrius Watson (New Fellowship Christian Church, Omaha, NE); MIRACLE #3) The Miraculous Earthquake; Minister Jacqueline Reed (Gospel Tabernacle Church, Dallas, TX); MIRACLE #4) The Miracle of the Opened Graves; Rev. Dr. Don Vaughan (Mayhew, MS); MIRACLE #5) The Undisturbed Graveclothes of Jesus; Minister-in-Training Karen Bowen (Salem Baptist Church, Omaha, NE); MIRACLE #6) Revivals to Life in the Calvary Graveyard; Overseer Charles Maxey (Church of the Living God #36, Wichita, KS).

The sessions will be held for three consecutive Fridays (March 19, 2021; March 26, 2021 and April 2, 2021); from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Each of the sessions will be held virtually via Zoom. The Zoom website address is: https://zoom.us/. The Meeting ID: 740 774 1626. The Passcode: VICTORY2 (all caps). The Telephone Dial-In number: 312-626-6799

It is my prayer that the Spirit of God will open our eyes to behold Him who brings us through the winter and rain of our natural inheritance in Adam, to new life, resurrection life, in Christ! Yes, it is Jesus that causes, through His victory over death, hell and the grave, the flowers to appear and the singing to come!


About Author

Velma J Sanders

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